August 23, 2023

Keep Healthy

Many young people have unhealthy routines and habits. This post will introduce a reason why we should have healthy routines and habits.

Imagine that we have an AI running on our computer. It can control all software but it donesn’t have any information about the hardware.

Now we turn off the network and slow down the computer by 50%. The AI will also run slower.

But Will the AI know that it’s running slower?

If it runs a benchmark, then yes. But if it does not constantly monitor its status, then no.

We are similar to this AI, but run on biological brains. We actually can’t fully control our minds and physical behavior. And if our bodies are unhealthy or weak, our performance will be affected.

For instance, if you don’t have sufficient sleep, your consciousness will be affected too. You will become slower to do everything by a random factor, say, 50%. It not only affects your speed but also your function. You might not be able to solve some problems that you normally could, can’t reason something you normally could, control your emotions and behaviors as you normally could, and possibly make some terrible decisions.

The worst part is that you don’t even realize that you are only at 50% of the full capacity if you don’t constantly check yourself.

So, it’s important to keep healthy or at least in a normal state. Here are some simple tips:

  • Keep a regular routine. Go to bed at the same time, and get enough sleep.
  • Don’t do too much porn.
  • Take breaks when you feel tired.
  • Do regular exercises.

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